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High-speed in rural places

Posted by world Jr at Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Satellite Internet Service

Tuesday February 3rd, 2009

With 10 per cent of New Brunswick households and businesses still without access to high-speed Internet, the province is working with a Jacksonville company to ensure everyone has access by 2010.

On Tuesday morning, Premier Shawn Graham and Business New Brunswick Minister Greg Byrne made the announcement in Woodstock.

"We understand that infrastructure is more than just roads and water," said Byrne. "We also need to build up communications infrastructure. Providing high-speed Internet access to everyone in New Brunswick is critical to moving this province toward our goal of self-sufficiency."

The government will provide an investment toward the cost of building the infrastructure necessary to deliver high-speed Internet access to every remaining New Brunswicker within 18 months. This investment will help create an estimated 200 new jobs in New Brunswick.

"We believe that high-speed Internet access can help rural communities be more viable in the future," added Byrne. "It can help small businesses be more profitable, allow people to work from home and upgrade their career credentials through online learning. Providing this access is essential to helping rural New Brunswick compete in the global economy."

Approximately 90 per cent of the province already has access to high-speed Internet, thanks in part to a $44.6 million federal-provincial infrastructure program created in 2003. This newest investment will ensure the remaining 10 per cent of New Brunswickers, mostly living in rural and low-density population areas, have similar access to high-speed Internet service, including 39,000 dwellings – according to 2006 Statistics Canada Census Data – and will be the most challenging areas to reach.

The New Brunswick-based Internet service provider Barrett Xplore Inc. won the contract following a public tendering process, during which the company demonstrated its competency and capability to deliver the government's objective in a cost-effective manner.

Since it is not economically viable for the private sector to cover the entire cost of access in sparsely populated areas, the province is helping to offset the cost of the necessary infrastructure.

Barrett Xplore Inc. will provide all New Brunswickers with access to high-speed Internet via its dual technology solution-fixed wireless and satellite. Fixed wireless will be the primary technology offered, with quality satellite Internet service offered in the most challenging areas to reach.

Both of these technologies will provide all residents with fast and affordable service.

The government's investment ensures new broadband customers will pay $99 for professional installation, regardless of where they live or the type of technology being offered.

Monthly service fees will be set according to the type of technology being offered, and will include the rental cost of equipment with no contract term requirements.

"We are confident that providing access to high-speed Internet to 100 per cent of New Brunswick will solidify our reputation as a technology leader in Canada," Byrne said. "Bringing broadband access to every New Brunswicker will encourage widespread use of this technology as a tool for economic development, ensuring that rural communities can remain the place to be for business success."
source: bugleobserver.canadaeast.com

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